Ann Ford Presents at MAMES 2022 Fall Conference
On October 6, 2022, Ann Ford, Partner at Hall Prangle and Schoonveld, LLC and Managing Director of HPS Advise, presented on the topic of compliance and value adds in the medical supply industry to the Midwest Association for Medical Equipment Services & Supplies (MAMES) during its 2022 Fall Conference.
Ann reviewed regulations that affect the industry, such as the Stark Law and the Anti-Kickback Statute, and how they have been adjusted to reflect healthcare practices in line with the Affordable Care Act’s focus on value based care and reimbursement. Specifically, Ann cited examples and addressed “Do’s and don’ts” when providing or receiving value adds and how durable medical equipment (DME) and Home Medical Equipment (HME) providers can stay compliant.
Founded in 1982, MAMES is one of the largest DME/HME provider organizations in the Midwest and provides members the best educational, communication and networking opportunities available to succeed in the DME/HME industry.
If you have questions about this topic or other legal issues facing DME Suppliers or other healthcare providers, please contact Ann Ford.